Step 1: Retrieve credentials for third-party apps
OAuth 2.0 Admin Consent Client Credentials
This authentication method may be used when an App requires granting admin consent to API permissions, in addition to authorizing the integration with the App's configured client credentials.
The Microsoft Teams component authenticates requests through the Microsoft Graph API.
Creating an App Registration
To configure OAuth 2.0 you must first create an App through Active Directory in the Microsoft Entra Admin Center or Microsoft Azure Portal.
- Navigate to App Registrations
- When creating the application you will be prompted to select Supported account types.
- Select Accounts in any organizational directory (Any Azure AD directory - Multitenant).
- Navigate to Redirect URI and add the Web platform. Now enter the redirect URI as
- Select Register to complete.
- In the App, navigate to Certificates & Secrets and select New client secret. Copy/save the Value for use in the connection configuration of your integration (the value will not be shown again).
- Next, navigate to the Overview section and copy the Application (client) ID
- Navigate to the API Permissions section to assign the proper permissions for the integration. Select Add Permission, select all permissions that are required for your desired integration and save these values for later. A full list of scopes can be found on the Microsoft Graph API documentation
- Recommended scopes for Teams can be found in Microsoft Graph > Application permissions:
For more information regarding authenticating against the Microsoft Graph API refer to the Microsoft documentation.AppCatalog.Read.AllTeamsAppInstallation.Read.GroupTeamsAppInstallation.ReadWriteSelfForTeam.AllTeamsAppInstallation.ReadWriteForTeam.AllTeamsAppInstallation.ReadWriteAndConsentForTeam.AllTeamsAppInstallation.ReadWriteAndConsentSelfForTeam.AllGroup.ReadWrite.AllDirectory.ReadWrite.AllChannelSettings.Read.GroupChannel.ReadBasic.AllChannel.Delete.GroupChannel.Create.GroupChannelSettings.ReadWrite.GroupTeamwork.Migrate.AllChannelMessage.Read.GroupGroupMember.Read.AllTeam.ReadBasic.AllTeamMember.Read.GroupTeamMember.ReadWrite.AllTeamSettings.ReadWrite.GroupTeam.CreateTeamSettings.Read.GroupUser.Read.AllUser.ReadWrite.All
Take note of the Client ID and Client Secret for later use
Updated about 2 months ago