Key Concepts

Get familiar with core terminologies in Anduin's Fund Subscription


Acquaint yourself with the fundamental concepts and objects within Anduin's Fund Subscription product to optimize your utilization of the public API. This page serves as a guide, leading you through the primary components you will engage with using both GraphQL and REST API

Leveraging our public APIs enables automation of crucial tasks:

  • Invite investors, optionally prefilling form data and metadata.
  • Monitor investors' progress on their subscriptions through webhooks.
  • Export investors' subscription data, including contacts and key information from the subscription form.
  • Download investors' documents.

Main Objects

The Fund Subscription API serves as the gateway for customers to engage with different components within the workflow. While there are various objects available, the primary focus will typically revolve around two key concepts: FundSubscription and Order.

  • FundSubscription: This object represents a singular fund environment within the Anduin platform. Depending on your specific configuration, a FundSubscription may contain one or multiple vehicles.
  • Order: This object represents a single subscription form completed by an investor. In cases where an investor utilizes multiple investment entities to participate in a fundraise, they may have more than one order associated with a single FundSubscription.

A crucial concept in the API is the Close object, which represents a specific date when a group of investors in a fund completes their participation. Fund managers leverage this as a mechanism for categorizing investors within the FundSubscription. Fund structures may vary, with some having multiple distinct fund closings, while others maintain a single, continuous open-ended closing to which new investors are consistently added.

The following graph displays the relationship between these three objects:


Working with FundSubscription

The FundSubscription object is designed to provide general information about a particular environment. This includes details such as orders, closes, members of the fund side, supported import and export templates, and more. Refer below for the list of objects associated with FundSubscription.


An environment enables Fund managers and Limited Partners to facilitate a subscription to a fund

Field NameField DescriptionData Type
idA system-generated value provided at the time the FundSubscription is createdString
adminsUsers on the fund side with access to the fund subscriptionList[User]
currencyThe currency on the fund dashboard used across the fundString
closesThe planned completion of the fundraise by which investors must have all documentation completed.List[Close]
tagsSupplemental textual elementsList[Tag]
referenceDocsThe list of documents the fund shares with all of the ordersList[File]
ordersThe list of orders contained within the fund subscriptionList[Order]
templatesThe available template to import or export data for the fundList[Template]


A specific date when a group of investors in a fund completes their participation

Field NameField DescriptionData Type
idA system-generated value provided at the time the Close is createdString
fundThe FundSubscription to which the Close has been associatedList[Fund]
nameThe descriptive name of the close provided upon creating the CloseString
targetDateThe planned completion of the Close assigned upon creation of the CloseDateTime


Supplemental textual elements for the orders

Field NameField DescriptionData Type
idA system-generated value provided at the time the Tag is createdString
fundThe FundSubscription to which the Tag has been appliedFundSubscription
ordersList of orders where this tag has been appliedOrders
nameThe label applied for the tagString
creatorThe user who created the tagUser
createdAtThe timestamp at which the Tag was created.DateTime


The available template to import or export data for the fund

Field NameField DescriptionData Type
idA system-generated value provided at the time the template is createdString
nameName of the template.String
templateTypeType of the template, which specifies what the template can be used for. Can be either Import or Export.TemplateType
lastChangeDescriptionDescription about the last update.String
spreadsheetFileThe sample spreadsheet file for the templateFile
columnsList of columns in the spreadsheet templateTemplateColumn
createdByThe user who created the template.User
createdAtA system-generated timestamp upon the creation of the template.DateTime
lastUpdatedAtA timestamp of the last update to the template.DateTime


Type of the template, which specifies what the template can be used for.

Field NameField DescriptionData Type
ImportTemplate can be used to import data when inviting an investor
ExportTemplate can be used to export data from submitted forms


List of columns available in the spreadsheet template

Field NameField DescriptionData Type
idA system-generated value provided at the time the template is created.
indexThe order of this column in the spreadsheet
titleThe column title

Working with Order

The FundSubscription object is designed to provide exhaustive details about a specific subscription document. This encompasses crucial information such as the investor's subscription status, contact details, commitment amount, responses within the subscription document, and more. Customers can leverage this essential object to execute pivotal actions, including inviting investors, prefilling their subscription documents, and more.


An order is a subscription of a single investment entity.

Field NameField DescriptionData Type
idThe ID the system generates for the order when it’s created and is unique within a fundString
customIdThe order ID set by the user. customId does not need to be unique.String
orderTypeDetermine whether the order contacts have been invited. There can be 2 values:
Normal: Contacts have been invited
Offline: Contacts haven't been invited
investmentEntityThe name of the investment entity that will appear in the legal document. This value will be updated with the investor input in the formString
mainLpThe email address of the named user associated as the "primary" or "owner" of an order. This email can't be removed.User
collaboratorsThe other contacts associated with the order. They can be added and removed.List[User]
closeThe close associated with the order.Close
statusThe status of the subscription document.OrderStatus
lastUpdatedAtA timestamp of the order’s latest activity. This can be seen in the activity log of the order.DateTime
expectedCommitmentThe amount the fund expected the order to commit.Float
submittedCommitmentThe commitment amount provided in the FormQuestionData.Float
acceptedCommitmentThe commitment amount accepted by the Fund post review.Float
formFillingProgressThe percentage of the form sections with all of the required fields completedFloat
pendingMembersThe contacts who have been invited to access the order but have not joined.List[User]
createdAtA system-generated timestamp upon the creation of the orderDateTime
lastReminderSentAtA timestamp of the last reminder sent to usersDateTime
submittedDocsThe list of signed subscription documents that have been submitted by the investorList[LpDocument]
countersignedDocsCountersigned subscription documents that are not yet shared with the investorList[LpDocument]
requiredDocsList of the documents the investor needs to submit for the order to be completedList[RequiredDoc]
referenceDocsThe list of documents the fund shares with all of the ordersList[File]
supportingDocSignatureRequestsAdditional documents that require the investor to signList[SignatureRequest]

Order Status

The status of the subscription document

Field NameField Description
NOT_STARTEDThe contacts for the order have been invited though they have not started editing the form
IN_PROGRESSThe form is being edited
CHANGE_IN_PROGRESSThe form is being edited after the GP requests an update
PENDING_REVIEWThe unsigned form is waiting to be reviewed by the fund
REQUESTED_SIGNATUREThe form is waiting to be signed
PENDING_SUBMISSIONThe form is waiting to be submitted
PENDING_REVIEWThe signed form is waiting to be approved by the fund
SUBMITTEDThe signed form has been submitted to the fund by the investor
COUNTERSIGNEDThe form has been countersigned but not yet shared with the investor
DISTRIBUTEDThe countersigned form has been shared with the investor
REMOVEDThe order has been removed from the fund subscription

Other Objects

In addition to the primary objects, the Fund Subscription public API provides customers with access to an extensive array of objects within the workflow. The comprehensive list of these items is detailed below.


A file on the Anduin system

Field NameField DescriptionData Type
idA system-generated value provided at the time the file is createdString
nameThe name of the file that has been created.String


List of the documents the investor needs to submit for the order to be completed

Field NameField DescriptionData Type
nameThe label of the required documentString
markedAsNAThe value indicates whether an investor has marked this document as not applicable to their subscriptionBoolean
submittedThe value indicates whether an investor has submitted this documentBoolean


Specify the type of document

Field NameField Description
FilledFormMain subscription document has been completed by investors but not yet signed
LpSignedDocMain subscription document has been completed and signed by investors
SigningCertificateAnduin's signature certificate for e-signed documents
TaxFormTax form submitted by investors
CountersignedDocForm has been countersigned by a member of the fund side
SupportingDocSupporting documents submitted by investors
OthersOther type of documents


A user on the Anduin system

Field NameField DescriptionData Type
idA system-generated value provided at the time the user is created.String
emailThe email address associated with a given user profileString
firstNameThe first name of the user on the profileString
lastNameThe last name of the user on the profileString

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