Data Extraction Status Changed
When the progress of data extraction has changed - e.g. data is processed or data is ready to review
Event name fundsub.order.data_extraction.status.updated
"event": string,
"createdAt": string, // example: "2024-10-20T07:52:28.696629792Z"
"fundId": string,
"orderId": string,
"dataExtractionStatus": string
Possible status values include:
- STARTED: The submitted PDFs have been sent to the Anduin OCR service for extraction. The extraction process is currently underway.
- READY_FOR_REVIEW: The extracted data has been injected into the draft version of a form. The draft is now ready for GP review, and the GP can take further actions to finalize the form.
- COMPLETED: The GP has reviewed the extracted form data and marked the extraction process as completed. A new form version has been created, and GP users can now export data from this official version
Updated 4 months ago