Allvue CRM Integration
What is Allvue?
Allvue provides fund accounting, investor portal, and CRM solutions for Fund managers. Our customers use Allvue to store information about their investors.
How does the integration between Anduin & Allvue work?
As of June 2023, our integration with Allvue focuses on their CRM solution. This out-of-the-box integration allows fund managers to bring data from Anduin to Allvue.
- Customers must map one fund on Anduin to one fund on Allvue using a mapping screen on their Allvue CRM account.
- Once the fund is mapped, fund managers will be able to:
- Initiate a new subscription form for an investor from Allvue. They will be able to choose a contact from the CRM, assign a close on Anduin, and input the expected commitment amount for that investors
- Review and use investors’ data from the subscription document to update their CRM records. See ASA field list below.
- View the order status for each investor on their CRM dashboard. Investors will be grouped into two groups:
- If the Anduin Status is Submitted, Countersigned, or Distributed, the Investor appears in the Records Awaiting Review group. These records are available for review and data approval and ultimately synchronizing with the CRM.
- If the Anduin Status is NotStarted, InProgress, ChangeInProgress, PendingUnsignedReview, RequestedSignature, PendingSubmission, or PendingReview, the Investor appears in the Records Awaiting Submission group.
- These records are read-only until their onboarding status is changed.
- Users have options to review and approve data before they are used to update records on Allvue CRM. There are 4 potential scenarios:
- No match found: new record is created
- Match found: existing record is updated
- Match found but users clear the match: new record is created
- Match found but users choose another record: chosen record is updated.
- Once data is synced to Allvue CRM, users have the option to use Allvue internal connector to sync the following data to Allvue Accounting. Note: this process is done separately and is controlled on the Allvue platform.
- Firm
- Investing Entity
- Investor
- Wire Instruction
This solution is built and maintained by Allvue. Feel free to contact us or your Allvue representatives to proceed.
Updated 3 months ago