Key Concepts

Get familiar with the core terminologies in Anduin's Investor Data Management


Welcome to the IDM Public API documentation webpage, where we guide you through harnessing the power of IDM Public APIs to seamlessly integrate data between your Client's CRM system and Anduin's Investor Data Management (IDM) application.

This page serves as a guide, leading you through the primary components you will engage with using REST API.

Leveraging our public APIs enables the automation of crucial tasks:

  • Monitor investor data, including investment entities, contacts, documents and profile
  • Create Fund Subscription orders using IDM data from your CRM system (See Supported workflow)

Data models

The following graph displays the data models of IDM:


The Client object represents an investor in IDM. A client can have multiple Investment Entities (IEs).

Field NameField DescriptionData Type
idThe system-generated ID provided at the creationString
nameThe name of the ClientString
trackingIdThe unique ID set by the userString
tagsThe user-generated tags of the ClientString
clientGroupIdThe ID of the client group that the Client belongs to in IDMString

Investment Entity

An investment vehicle of a Client. Each IE will contain a profile, a list of documents, and a list of contacts.

Field NameField DescriptionData Type
idThe system-generated ID provided at the creationString
nameThe name of the Investment EntityString
trackingIdThe unique ID set by the userString
typeThe investor type of the Investment EntityString
jurisdictionThe jurisdiction type of the Investment EntityString
riskLevelThe risk level of the Investment EntityString


A contact of an Investment Entity

Field NameField DescriptionData Type
idThe system-generated ID provided at the creationString
firstNameThe first name of the contactString
lastNameThe last name of the contactString
emailThe email address of the contactString
roleThe role of the contactString
contactTypesThe communication type of the contactList[String]
phoneThe phone number of the contactString


A list of data points of a particular investment entity

Field NameField DescriptionData Type
investmentEntityIdThe system-generated ID of the investment entity that owns the profileString
dataThe profile data in the format of a map between field name to field valueMap[String, String


A list of data points of a particular investment entity

Field NameField DescriptionData Type
investmentEntityIdThe system-generated ID of the investment entity that owns the documentString
nameThe name of the documentMap[String, String]
noteThe note about the documentString
signAtThe date the document is signedString
expiredAtThe date the document is expiredString
documentTypeThe type of the documentString

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