Create webhook

To set up a webhook endpoint you must specify the fund-id, and the enabled_events to describe the targeted fund and the event types that your webhook endpoint wants to be notified about. You must also provide an URL to your endpoint, and it must pass a simple validation request as described below.

Validation request

The validation request is an HTTP GET that contains a random validation key in the x-anduin-webhook-validation-key header. To pass the validation your endpoint need to respond with a 200 status code and include the same header with the validation key. The validation request could be written using cURL as:

curl -X GET https:\\ -H 'x-anduin-webhook-validation-key: [RANDOM_VALIDATIONKEY]'

Event payloads

Upon successful validation, your webhook endpoint will start to receive events of the subscribed fund. Events will be sent via an HTTP POST to your endpoint with the body contain the payload describing the event detail. We currently have 4 types of event: new_investor_added, subscription_status_changed, subscription_close_changed, and subscription_tags_changed. All the event payload will have the following default fields:

    fundId: String // the ID of the fund,
    event: String // event type name
    lpId: String // the ID of the investor,
    customId: String // the custom ID attached to the order
    contacts: [ // the list of contact info of investor and collaborators. The first one is the main investor.
            email: String,
            firstName: String,
            lastName: String
    close: { // the close this order belongs to
        id: String,
        customId: String,
        name: String,
        targetDate: String // date in format of dd/mm/yyyy for example 20/10/2023
    tags: [String] // an array of string represents tags attached to this order
    medatada: { // a free JSON object attaced to the order (via invitation API or update order API)
        "field-1": "value-1",
        "field-2": "value-2"
    createdAt: String // Timestamp string in ISO format, for example: 2022-07-28T18:48:58.695763842Z

Beside the default fields above, each event might have some specific field:

subscription_status_changed event payload:

    previousStatus: String // the previous status. For possible values please check the OrderStatus in our GraphQL schema
    newStatus: String // the new status.

subscription_close_changed event payload:

    previousClose: { // the close this order originially belongs to before the event
        id: String,
        customId: String,
        name: String,
        targetDate: String // date in format of dd/mm/yyyy for example 20/10/2023

subscription_tags_changed event payload:

    previousTags: [String] // List of tags prior to the change. This field is omitted when there is no tags originally

documents_uploaded event payload:

    files: [ // List of uploaded files info
            fileId: String,
            fileName: String
    documentType: String

The documentType field can be one of the following values:

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!