Public API changes - July 2024
Part 1 - Released
1.1 FundSub - Making API calls without storing Anduin ID
Custom IDs for both fund and order levels are now accepted as API parameters. With this in place, customers no longer need to use the corresponding Anduin ID to perform an API action.
Area of impact
Fund Sub Public API
Implementation status:
Released: July 2024
Example of Invite investor: modify API request, backward compatible
accepts Anduin Fund ID onlyNew
You can pass either Anduin Fund ID or your Fund Custom ID, which can be found in your Fund Setting or retrieved through our APIs
Due to the flexibility of Custom ID, we do not strictly apply any rules to your custom ID, however, to make it compatible with API call, you should follow these recommendations to avoid issues:
- CustomID should contain alphanumeric characters (i.e
, and( )
only. Try to avoid too special character! - If you have multiple funds sharing the same Custom ID, we cannot deduce which is the targeted one. In that case, we will respond errors, with list of funds sharing that ID.
Example of Add collaborators: modify API request, backward compatible
accepts Anduin Order ID onlyNew
You can pass either Anduin Order ID or your Order Custom ID, which can be found in your Fund Dashboard or retrieved through our APIs.
Note: You may need to enable this feature in your fund setting
Due to the flexibility of Custom ID, we do not strictly apply any rules to your custom ID, however, to make it compatible with API call, you should follow these recommendations to avoid issues:
- CustomID should contain alphanumeric characters (i.e
and( )
only. Try to avoid too special character! - If you have multiple orders sharing the same Custom ID, we cannot deduce which is the targeted one. In that case, we will respond errors, with list of orders sharing that ID.
- CustomID should contain alphanumeric characters (i.e
1.2 IDM - Retrieve sub-funds information per fund
Customers can retrieve the sub-fund information of any fund. This information is useful when the fund has multiple sub-funds with multiple currencies.
Area of impact
IDM Public API
Implementation status:
Released: July 2024
In the API response, a new field
is added toFund
1.3 IDM - Retrieve sub-funds information per fund
Customers can retrieve the sub-fund commitments of any subscription. This information is useful when the subscription belongs to fund which has multiple sub-funds with multiple currencies
Area of impact
IDM Public API
Implementation status: Released
Released: July 2024
In the API response, a new field
is added toSubscription
Part 2 - Upcoming changes
2.1 Platform - Upload a document to Anduin via API
Customers can now upload files to Anduin using this new API. The uploaded file can be utilized for subsequent workflows as needed.
Area of impact
New Platform API
Implementation status:
ETA: August 2024
Technically, you can upload a new file to Anduin system through 2 steps:
Step 1: Send upload request to Anduin
- Endpoint: POST
- Param
"fileName": <string>
- Response:
"fileId": <string> "uploadUrl": <string>
Step 2: Upload your file directly to Amazon S3
Then you upload your file to the presigned
📢 When you finish these two steps, you can use your **file ID** in step 1 to do further workuploadUrl
which will be pushed to our Amazon S3, for reference - Endpoint: POST
2.2 Get file metadata via API
This API is not related to file uploading process, however, you can query the file metadata to verify your file status in our system.
Area of impact
New Platform API
Implementation status:
ETA: August 2024
- Endpoint: GET
- Param : Empty
- Response:
"fileName": <string>
"checksumSHA256": <string>
"fileSize": <integer>
2.3 FundSub - Submit documents on behalf via API
Customers can now attach a document to a specific subscription in FundSub via API. This action mimics the "Submit document on behalf" function in our GP dashboard.
Area of impact
New Fund Sub API
Implementation status:
ETA: August 2024
- Endpoint: POST
- Param
"sourceFileId": <string> "orderId": <string> "documentType": <string>
Expected values of document type
- Investor-signed document
- Fully executed document
- AML/KYC and other documents
- Response:
"fileId": <string> // destination fileID, which points to the file stored in the subscription.
Please note that, if the upload process itself (upload file directly to S3) failed, this API will respond error as document not found.
- Endpoint: POST
2.4 FundSub - Listen to data extraction events
Customer can now listen to data extraction status via our webhooks.
Area of impact
Implementation status:
ETA: August 2024
New Fund Sub webhook event inside, sample
, payload"event": "fundsub.order.ocr.status.updated" "fundId": <string> "orderId": <string> "oldStatus": <string> "newStatus": <string>
Expected values of OCR (data extraction) related status
- Processing
- Pending review
- Completed